The criminal justice system can be difficult for the average person to navigate alone. Our attorneys are experienced and trained not only to help you navigate the complex legal system, but to utilize the services our Program provides to attorneys and their clients. Cases typically begin with an arrest, followed by an in-depth analysis by the District Attorney’s Office, and possible criminal prosecution. Our attorneys begin their representation at your first court appearance and begin advocating on your behalf from the very beginning.
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The prosecution has a number of entities working on its behalf, including the various police agencies and other groups. With the prosecution having virtually unlimited resources, it may sometimes feel to a client like the playing field is not level. For that reason, we provide our attorneys with a variety of services when your case calls for those services in an effort to ensure that our panel attorneys are providing top-notch legal representation.
Litigation Support and Case Conferences
We have a team of legal researchers and writers available to your attorney who will assist them in digesting complex legal issues and/or strategizing in advance of a hearing or a trial. With over 100 years of combined trial experience, our staff has helped a number of panel attorneys reach positive results at hearings and trials on behalf of their clients.
Social Workers
Sometimes, reaching a good result for a client in court requires an attorney to help that client with out-of-court issues, such as: housing, health, substance abuse, and other types of counseling. Our team of social workers is available to our panel attorneys on behalf of their cleints.
Investigative Services
We have a team of experienced investigators on staff who are prepared to help your attorney gather evidence, interview witnesses, photograph crime scenes, or do anything else your case calls for.
Quality Assurance
Our Deputy Defender of Quality Assurance makes sure all of the attorneys are up to the task of handling your case.